My Voice

Sep 2012
4:41 PM CEST

The Very Beginning

In the last month, the mammoth task of moving to another country has been bestowed upon me. I am, in every sense, an English rose - abroad. For my own benefit, and for the benefit of you curious lot, I have decided to record publically my thoughts, reflections and adventures whilst living abroad.

Week 1

I was warned: "The first week will be tough". It's a shame that no one really paid attention during the four hour lecture on living abroad, given six months ago by the University. The Year Abroad was just too far away.

A "new" town.
This week was all about "settling in". It's quite difficult to pin point the exact moment in which this occurs, especially if your Year Abroad location is completely foreign to you. By complete fluke, I was very fortunate to have already visited my quaint Italian village during the summer through previous work. I still find it hard to believe that within the whole of Italy, my summer work placement and my totally different Year Abroad placement are neighbouring villages. Some things were just meant to be.

House hunting.
After seeing some apartments which truly scared me, (not so much the apartment as the people...) I found a beautiful apartment in Monza, in the busiest and most beautiful "paese" in Lombardia. I am glad to say that this apartment has now become a home to me, and it has contributed greatly to "settling in" here.

A week without work.
I decided to move to Italy one week before my work at Primary School started. However, I never imagined how dificult it would be to leave the comfort of my new, safe, apartment. Independence hit me. So, the fact that I was scared to leave the house, meant I had to leave the house. I made myself go out every day to see something new and to discover my new town. To this day it was one of the most difficult yet rewarding things I've done. I had to use my own common sense (for those of you who know me well, you're probably worrying) and my own bearings from memory (worrying turn to panic). Alas, within this torturous week, I "settled in". I learnt about my new town, and learnt that I am very capable of being truly independent.

That's not to say all my worries end there. Next week I have to start work....
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Amy Jean's Profile

  • Username: Amy Jean
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: United Kingdom